Father can you hear me...(singing)
I know something is wrong. I don't see her laugh or
smile anymore.
There is light missing from here eyes she no longer
let's me look into...the slightest random sound
causes her to flinch and look over her shoulder
especially when the person who claims to love her
is near.
She is still my sister, friend, mother, daughter,
valuable member of the church, most of all a child of
Father can you hear me...I've never seen so much
Masked behind her saying everything is okay is a
internal silence that is deadly.
Father can you hear me...I'm calling on your name...
She won't answer my calls and makes excuses as to
why I can't come over and see her...I plead and know
that same blood that saved me can save her.
Father...Can you hear me Now...(singing)
As I glance at her from across the room during
Sunday Service. As the tears fall from her eyes
uncovering the truth behind her makeup and long
sleeve shirt as her arms reach for your grace and
salvation imprinted with scars covered in bruises.
As she stood there alone for the first time in
months...my soul screamed...
As I slowly walk towards her
FATHER... (singing)
As she looks at me with open arms...
CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW...(singing)
As she hugs me and I whisper in her ear 'let me help
you and she cried YES and we bothe shout
YES YES (singing)
YES, to your will Jesus, yes Father have your way...
For I am my sister's keeper. I will protect her life, family from harm seen and unseen.
Speak life over her life that doesn't need to be
overlooked and ignored. SHe is still valuable and
precious in your sight oh Lord our strength and our redeemer.
For who the lord sets free indeed. To break every
chain of shame. Live in her truth an live that
life abundantly.
YES, Together we will stand in victory and claim
what has been broken to be healed in your name!
Thank you Father for listening.... Amen
Written by Veronica "V" Robertson